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Friday, 3 October 2014

Champneys facial cleansing system vs clinique sonic system purifying cleansing brush

Hi guys!
As you may know I was recently given the new clinique purifying cleansing brush as a birthday present (from LJ) and rather than just review it I thought I would compare it to the champneys face brush I was previously using.

I used the champneys face brush on and off for about 9 months (we got it in the Christmas sales last year) and I went through phases of loving it and hating it. It is a battery operated, waterproof, handheld facial cleansing brush which comes with two different types of brush head. There is the everyday brush and the exfoliate brush, which is recommended to be used two or three times a week although I found this brush too hard for my sensitive skin and after trying it a couple of times I didn't use it again. To get a good clean I felt like I had to apply quite a bit of pressure to the brush in order for it to work, and even then it didn't clean my face as well as I would have liked it to, and it didn't leave my skin feeling any softer or smoother than usual. I used it once a day as any more than that and I would get red spots on my face, which weren't a breakout as such as they weren't raised it was more like a reaction but it was painful. The everyday brush head was still a little too hard bristled for me, and although they felt soft.enough on my hand they did hurt a little on my face but as I had never used a face brush before I thought this was normal.

However, the clinique purifying cleansing brush is totally different! While it is similar in that it is waterproof and hand held, it is so much cuter and is rechargeable, which I think is better than having to replace batteries. I even love the little light that comes on to say it is charging or has low battery as it doesn't look like there is a light there, it's so cute!
The head that comes with this is white and green, the white section is for the cheeks and the green section is for the t-zone.  There is an instruction manual that  comes with it that states that no pressure should be applied while using this as it does its job without being forced too heavily on to the skin, and honestly I agree! At first I didn't think it was going to work as I applied no pressure I just lightly brushed it over my face, but after the first use my skin felt and looked cleaner, smoother and softer than ever before! Dare I say I actually looked radiant! The instructions also tell you how long to spend on each section of your face so as not to damage the skin, and the brush itself has a 30 second timer so it will turn itself off after 30 seconds. I love this feature but I think it would have been slightly better if it timed everything so buzzed when to change the section of face you're cleaning but the champneys brush didn't have any kind of timer at all so I can't complain! It is suggested that you start off with just using it for 30 seconds once a day and work your way up to 1 minute twice a day so that you don't overload your skin too quickly, I love that it gives tips and suggestions like this as the champneys brush didn't explain how to use it at all and although it may seem like common sense to some people, personally I didn't realise that if used too much it could actually damage the skin!

I have been using the clinique purifying cleansing brush for about a week now and while that is such a short time, and normally products should be tried for longer than that before a review is made, I love this so much so far that I wanted to share it! My makeup goes on so smoothly and what I noticed last night while I was on a night shift was that my makeup seems to last better for longer. Usually on a night shift for some reason my makeup tends to start to melt off or congeal really quickly because of the change in the temperature and the air con over night (it really dries my skin which then makes me make more oil on my face and confuses my makeup so much) but since using this brush I have had 3 night shifts and my makeup has actually lasted perfectly for the entire 13 hour shift! The only thing I Changed was the face brush I was using so I can only assume that that is the reason my skin is so much better. It even looks smoother while wearing makeup, and so much more brighter!

I can't tell you guys how much I love this brush so far! It is unreal and if any of you are considering getting the clinique brush then please do! It is worth the money and I love it!


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