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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

My morning routine updated...again

Hi guys!
So it has only been a couple of months since my last morning routine but a little has changed since then and I like to keep you all updated :-)

I am still doing the clinique 3 step system, so I start by wetting my face with warm water and massaging the soap for oily combination skin all over my face. I then use the clinique purifying cleansing brush  for 30 seconds to a minute (7-15 seconds on each cheek, 5-10 seconds on chin, 5-10 seconds on nose and 5-10 seconds on forehead). I then rinse my face using warm water and a flannel (I have 3 pink ones from primark and 2 from liz earle).

Once a week i use the clinique exfoliator, but once a month I only exfoliate once a week using the 7 day scrub from clinique. I was exfoliating twice a week before I got the clinique face brush, but it is more successful at keeping my face smooth and getting rid of dry skin than the brush I was using previously and I feel like if I exfoliate more than once a week it becomes too  much for my skin and it starts to become sore.

I then get a clean cotton pad and apply the second step of the three step system which is the clarifying lotion, and I gently rub it onto my face from the middle of my face outwards.

I wait a few seconds and then apply the clinique serum (one pump), I will be doing a review on this when I have used it for long enough.  After about 5 minutes I apply the clinique eye cream to my under eyes (I have been very good with keeping up with this lately!) And then I apply the dramatically different moisturiser which is step 3 in the system. 

After a little while I then start to apply my makeup.
Not much has changed since my previous post but I hope you enjoyed this post! I have been following this routine for a few weeks now and I feel like it is working better than me, especially as my face was sun burnt a little while I was on holiday.


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