Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
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Saturday 9 August 2014

Benefit they're real mascara

Hi guys!
As you all know I haven't been overly impressed with benefit lately (as much as I really wanted to! ) but I started using the sample of they're real mascara that I got a few months ago.
I wasn't expecting much and I will be honest and say I only used it because it was the only mascara I had and the no7 one had run out.
But oh my word I am so glad that I have it! The brush is similar to the no7 one, which separates the lashes and stops clumping. The mascara made my lashes look amazing and the best thing is that it didn't even smudge when it rained.
The only downside is that the micellar water I have doesn't remove it so I might have to purchase some proper eye makeup remover or even the one made specifically for the they're real range.
When this sample runs out I think I will repurchase it!



  1. I didn't like the remover made specifically for They're Real mascara - it's a cream one which isn't a texture I like near my eyes and it didn't remove the mascara that effortlessly. Clinique's Take The Day Off (liquid one) is fantastic though!


  2. I have the clinique take the day off balm which seems to be doing a good job so far, I don't like the thought if cream near my eye as I've had too many incidents of cream going in my eye! I might try the liquid form though :-) xxx
