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Friday 13 June 2014

Lifestyle: my new house

I say new, we have lived here for 5 months now but it is a brand new build (bellway homes) and we can't paint the walls until it is 9 months old as the house needs to dry out. It is our very first house and we haven't got any furniture, well we have stuff that people have given us and some essential things like a bed from ikea (although this is actually going to be the guest bed). 
I am going to be posting about our journey decorating and furnishing our house to make it a home, which I hope you all will enjoy. If you don't want to see this then please let me know :-) 
I have accepted it is going to take a while to get every room the way I want and to get the garden done as we have bills to pay and a holiday coming up so we don't always have the money to buy the things I want but it is a journey and one I am very excited about!!

Instagram prettyinpeach04
Email prettyinpeach04@gmail.com


  1. A blank canvas must be fab though, even if it will take a while. Ours in a 1930s semi with a 70s extension and layers of wallpaper. We've been here 7 years but still got more than half the house to do properly! X


    1. Yeah it is good as we can do everything we want with it and it's much easier to imagine the colours and set out of each room when it's basically just a white room with neutral carpets/wood flooring. I have so many ideas of what I want to do with each room and the garden, it will be so lovely when we have finished.
      Have you managed to make it decorated to be personal to you though? I am sure it is a gorgeous house :-)
      Ours is detached so we can basically do diy at any time of the day or night which is perfect for us as when I am on a night shift at work L can do some stuff like put shelves up without disturbing anyone.

  2. How exciting, I bet you can't wait to get started! I love moving house, I think we're on our 12 house my now! It's so nice to have a fresh start and get decorating! X

    1. 12th house? Wow! Have you got it all decorated the way you want it? And yeah I am so impatient I want everything done now so my husband has to keep telling me that we are doing one room at a time! X

  3. My house needs redocrating so bad right now! Pinterest is great for DIY inspiration on a budget x

    1. I have actually just joined pinterest so I will have to have a look :-) x
