Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
This is a PR friendly blog but unless stated I have bought all products myself. All opinions are my own.

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Monday 30 June 2014

My benefit shopping trip

Yesterday L and I went to meadow hall at Sheffield to do some shopping and to go to the cinema. L had seen some posters in boots about a big beauty event so we thought we would go and see what it was all about. The posters said that if we bought 2 products from one of the participating makeup brands we would get 500 points on our boots card which seemed good, and it said the participating brands were giving free makeovers and samples. As I really want to try out some new benefit products we went there, which was located in front of a massive poster about the beauty event. We read the small print to make sure we were getting a good deal and then enquired about it at the benefit counter. The girl didn't mention the makeover just said we could buy two products and get boots points so we bought the porefessional as I needed it, and erase paste as it claims to erase dark circles.
We then had to go to the cinema as we had already booked the tickets but we went back afterwards and asked again about the makeover. The girl seemed really put out that we asked about it and tried to talk me out of it but I said that I wanted to find out how to use their products. She told me there was a minimum spend of £30, I said this wasn't mentioned on the posters anywhere it said a free makeover if a consultant was free and benefit was listed on the poster but she said they had decided to set a spend limit. This annoyed myself and L as surely it is false advertising to say it is free then change your mind, especially as we had read the small print. We told her we had already bought 2 products so she said that would probably do.
She asked what type of look I was going for and I said something that would be good for the summer but not be too heavy. She started with the flawless foundation with the oxygen (I can't remember the name) and asked me what colour I thought I was. Surely the makeup girl should know? But I said I was usually the lightest colour in other brands, so she used the ivory shade. I was already wearing makeup and when I have been to things like this before with different brands, they have removed my makeup first. This girl didn't she just applied the foundation over the makeup which made it look awful. It caked on. She then asked me what other products I wanted so I said ones that I wanted to try and she put cha cha tint on my cheeks and lips but she kept adding more and not blending it correctly so it looked really really patchy. She added a blusher on top of this which just made things worse. She asked me if I wanted to try the new eyeliner and I said yes but that I didn't want a flick but she gave a flick anyway. She applied eyeshadow and that was me done.  She asked what products I wanted to buy and I said I would get the eyeshadow, and asked if I could have a sample of foundation as I didn't want to buy it until I had seen what it looked like when applied properly as it was over my already applied makeup. She said no. She said I couldn't have any samples at all and then said they had no eyeshadow left even though she hadn't checked. L and I left and I went straight to the toilet to wash everything off. While she was seeing to me she also kept leaving to try and get other people walking past to buy some products, I understand that this is their job but there were three of them and the other 2 weren't busy.
I have honestly never had such bad customer service in my life and L was fuming.
We went into house of fraser for some clothes for L and ended up walking past their benefit counter and L said we should ask there for a sample of the foundation. The girl couldn't have been nicer, she pumped some into a little container to try and gave me a sample of the comeback serum. We bought the cha cha balm there as it looked nicer than the tint and I wouldn't be wearing it on my cheeks anyway and she was so lovely. A woman came over to ask her for a makeup tutorial and she was so lovely to her. She was so much better than the girl in boots. L now doesn't think that I should buy any benefit products because of that one girl and as we.make all decisions together about how we spend money, he might insist on it which is a shame.

Have any of you had any bad experiences with any customer service?



  1. I am a huge fan of Erase Paste, it is so good for covering dark circles xx

  2. Hi lovely, I have tried it out last night for my night shift and initial thoughts are that I love it!! Did you find that only a tiny amount is needed? X
