Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
This is a PR friendly blog but unless stated I have bought all products myself. All opinions are my own.

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Monday 27 October 2014

October favourites

Hi guys!
So these products are from both before I went on holiday and while on holiday :-)


Body shop lip butter in coconut
This is so creamy and smells gorgeous! It keeps my lips moisturised and I started using it before I went away as the weather started to get colder and my lips became dryer. But, while I was on holiday I put it in the fridge in the hotel room and it was so much more amazing as it cooled as well as moisturised my lips. For £4 this is a pretty good product to have!

Collection lasting perfection concealer in ivory
I feel like I discovered this a lot later than everyone else (by a few years) but I love it! It is so cheap and covers my under eye circles better than any other concealer I have ever used! It can also act as a highlighter too which I love.

Soap & glory super colour fabu lipstick in the missing pink
I feel like I have mentioned this before but I love it so much! It is a gorgeous colour and it smells of vanilla which I love. It is a nude pink colour, which basically looks like my lips but better. It lasts a good amount of time although I do have to reapply it a few times throughout the day.
Maybelline colour tattoos
I have three colours of these- on and on bronze, eternal gold and pink gold. I loved these while on holiday as they held up in the heat and didn't budge all night!

No7 lipstick in
I used the no7 lipstick match service to match a lipstick to my skin tone and this is the one I chose.  At first I was a bit sceptical as it is not a colour I would usually go for but I ended up using it nearly every night on holiday as it looked really nice while I was pale and still looked fab when I started to tan. It wasn't sticky at all which some lipsticks are and the colour seemed to last a while.

Hair and skin care

Garnier shampoo the sleek restorer with coconut oil and cocoa butter.
I may have mentioned this before but I love it so much! It smells gorgeous and it cleans my hair really well, I used it while on holiday and it managed to wash out the chlorine and salt from the pool and sea without any effort at all. This might sound like a really simple thing for a shampoo but I have had shampoos in the past that haven't done that! It also leaves my hair feeling soft, smooth and looking healthy.

Fcuk body spray
I looove the smell of this so much! It has vanilla and Oriental tones which I am addicted to and as soon as I got it I couldn't stop spraying myself with it!

Clinique moisture surge
This was a travel size sample but I took it on holiday with me and I used it when my face started to get dry because of the sun. The usual moisturiser I use just wasn't keeping my facial skin hydrating enough but this was perfect and I kept it in the fridge so it was cooling when I applied it.

Clinique purifying cleansing brush
I have raved about this so much! I love it so much, and my skin has felt and looked amazing since I started using it. The one thing I was scared about was when I started to burn my face I thought it would hurt to use it but it didn't! I was pleasantly surprised that it managed to get rid of all of the dead skin on my face and make it smoother without hurting my sun burn.

Random things

Microwavable me to you bear
This I love at certain times of the month as it is cute, cuddly and helps to take the pain away. When I am in pain and not feeling myself I love cuddles and if the hubby is at work I love to cuddle this!

I know this is a bit of a weird product to be in my favourites but I had a bit of an infection type thing in my belly button (oversharing?) And the antibiotics the doctor gave me didn't help and my mam suggested Dettol that I used to use when I was a child. Literally within 2 days everything was perfectly healthy and I think it is just a good thing to have in the home. It can be used for cuts, piercings, cleaning stuff, it is basically multi purpose!

Fcuk washbag
I love how cute this is, and it is practical too! I took it on holiday with me, and it held so much! And I now use it at home in the bathroom too to keep the bathroom tidy.

Yankee candle in salted caramel
My mam actually bought me this and I love it so much! The hubby hates it, and kept telling me not to burn it but I got a bit addicted to it. It was a sweet smell but also had some undertones to it which made it gorgeous.

Films and TV shows

I know I sound like a child but I absolutely love this film! It was so cute and i fell in love with the snowman! (Not literally obviously)!

Mount Pleasant
I was super happy when I realised that the new series of this was starting! It is set somewhere near Manchester I think, but is so funny! It's about a man and a woman  and their life and neighbours and it is both drama sometimes and humour at other times but it is how I grew up in a neighbourhood a bit like that!


Zoella (zoe suggs)
I haven't been watching her long but she is such a sweet person! She has amazing YouTube videos and I love her daily vlogs too. She has recently released her own line of bathstuff etc in super drug and has over 6 million YouTube followers! From what I can see she hasn't changed with fame and that is what I love about her!!

What are your monthly favourites?


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