Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
This is a PR friendly blog but unless stated I have bought all products myself. All opinions are my own.

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Wednesday 1 October 2014

The blogger tag

Hi guys!
I wasn't actually tagged to do this but it seemed like a fun tag to do!

1) what is your favourite beauty product?

Argh how to answer this! I love so many! Overall I would say foundation in general as I can't leave the house without it! But at the moment I am loving the maybelline colour tattoo eye shadows as they last for ages and are so gorgeous!

2) if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Norway as I want to see the northern lights, it has always been a dream of mine and although they can be seen in other places Norway seems the best option. I love the dome tents they have so you can see the northern lights while in your own heated tent although it is a bit expensive!

3) what is your all time favourite brand?

I don't really have one, I'm a bit of a brand whore (I mean that in the least offensive way possible) I don't really stay loyal to brands other than clinique for skin care but for makeup I chop and change all of the time.

4) do you collect anything, if so what?

No I don't collect anything.

5) early bird or night owl?

Honestly I'm a bit of both, I go to bed quite late as there's always something that I need to be doing, but I also get up really early every day (like going to bed at midnight and getting up at 4) which probably isn't that good for me!

6) tea or coffee?

Tea, I hate coffee! I love the smell but hate the taste. I prefer hot chocolate but that wasn't an option :-)

7) what is your favourite TV show?

I have a few! Overall friends or house would be my all time favourite! My current favourite changes all of the time but probably Melissa and joey!

8) if you could travel to any era what would it be?

This might sound weird but probably around the time that the industrial revolution came about. Watching the mill has made me want to live then as everyone seemed to look out for each other and although they didn't have any money and they had to work really long hours for no money as a child they seemed to make the best of it. I feel like nowadays people don't seem to care about each other, like the other day I saw an old woman fall and I was the only one who offered to help! Back in 'the olden days' everyone would have stopped to help so I would have liked to live then.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this! I Tag everyone :-)


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