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Monday 20 October 2014

Things I used every day on holiday

Hi guys!
Before I went on holiday I did a video about what I was taking on holiday with regards to skincare and makeup. I didn't use everything so I thought I would do a post about what I used and then another post about what I regret taking with me.

Body butter
My hubby needed this more than me but as he forgot to bring the new suntan lotion and after sun we had bought we only had the ones I brought from the last holiday we were on. The after sun was one where you applied it in the shower and washed it off and I didn't think it worked as well so to combat the dry skin on my hubby's burnt shoulders I applied body butter for him. Not only does it smell lovely it kept his skin hydrated and so although it did nothing for his burns it did cool him down when first applied and stopped him from peeling.

Lip butter
My lips got very dry due to the heat and I was constantly in and out of the pool and they started to get quite painful. Applying lip butter every night and morning helped but I found that putting the lip butter in the freezer before using it helped loads more as it cooled my lips down so much and felt like heaven!

Clinique purifying cleansing brush
When my face got sunburnt, using a flannel was too painful for me but I didn't want to just use my hands as that wouldn't get rid of the dry skin and sweat etc so I kept using this brush.  At first I was very wary of using it as I thought it might be too painful but it didn't hurt at all! I was pleasantly surprised!

Clinique moisture surge moisturiser
I still used the three step system that I always use but on a night before bed I also applied the moisture surge moisturiser as my face felt very dry which is unusual for my usually oily skin. This helped to keep my skin hydrated and smooth without feeling heavy.

Benefit porefessional
I did bring quite a bit of makeup with me to wear on a night time but because of the humidity and my peeling face I couldn't use much without it looking terrifying but I found that just using the porefessional without foundation seemed to even out my skin (I was white around the eyes and burnt most other places) and made me look less like a weird panda.

Benefit they're real mascara
I only used this at night not during the day like I had planned but it was very much loved! It stayed on all night and didn't smudge in the heat which was fab! It also made my eyes look amazing and really opened them up. 

Maybelline colour tattoo
I brought all of my colour tattoo eye shadows with me (I have 3) and I used them all! I was so glad I brought these rather than proper eye shadows as they didn't budge all in the heat and humidity and had very good colour payoff.

Biodegradable suntan lotion
This is very important for going to the parks like xel ha and xplor as it means that the natural environment isn't getting ruined, and the animals aren't being poisoned. I never even thought about it until I got to Mexico but it was quite cheap to buy there.

Insect repellent
Again, has to be biodegradable so as not to damage the natural environment. This is very important when going to the jungle areas as mosquitoes love it there and if you don't wear it you will get bitten.

Hair conditioner
I went swimming every day either in the pool or in parks with dolphins and manatees,  so my hair took a bit of a beating. The shampoo and conditioner I used was the same as I use at home but I relied so much on my conditioner to keep my hair soft and healthy looking.

Plastic travel bottles
These were so useful as one bottle of shampoo and one of conditioner was enough for me and the hubby for the whole holiday, and they were a perfect size for travelling. It also meant I could use the same shampoo and conditioner as at home but without having to bring the huge bottle, and if you don't want to bring the bottles back home you can give them to the hotel to use for something else.

Perfume travel bottle
My mam bought me this for my birthday and it is a little pink tube that you put your own perfume in, I put pink honey by Marc Jacobs in mine and it actually holds quite a bit. I think it holds enough for 50 sprays which was enough for this holiday and meant I didn't have to take the actual bottle which could have broken.

I tie my hair back during the day every day when I'm on holiday, especially when I'm going swimming as I find when it is really hot it annoys me when my hair is hanging down my neck and back and making me feel even more hot. I find that it cools me down a lot. 

Ghd straighteners
These I didn't use every day as some nights it was too hot to wear my down but these were a godsend on the days that I did have my hair down as in the humidity in Mexico my hair doesn't play very nicely but using these kept it straight and unfrizzy all night.

These are the things that i genuinely couldn't live without on holiday (except for the usual shorts and bikinis). What do you guys use when on holiday?


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