Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
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Sunday 20 July 2014

My problems with my skin

Hi guys,
Well I thought I'd do something a little different for this post and tell you all about my skin type, and how makeup hates it!
I have combination oily skin, I always thought I was just oily until a woman at a lancome counter years ago told me I had a few patches of dry skin around the bottom of my nose, an oily t zone and oily to normal cheeks. I would have to be awkward wouldn't I! This is when I started to moisturise as I had always thought that if I moisturised it would just make my skin more oily but that isn't true.
Over the years I have used foundations that have lasted all day, I used to work in a water park that was basically like a greenhouse and I even found a foundation that didn't slide off my face in 30 degree heat! I can't remember which one it was now but when I left my life guarding job the foundation stopped working for me for some reason.  I am not sure if my skin just changes or if there's another reason but I did then find revlon colorstay foundation for normal/oily skin which also lasted all day for about three years. Then it also started to slide off my face, but it doesn't just slide off it seems to... I don't know how to explain it, it cracks. ..you know when you have a face mask on and when it dries you pull faces and it cracks around the mouth, well that's what my foundation goes like. So I decided it was time for a change for the summer as the more oily my face gets the more my makeup slides or cracks, especially if I wear powder!
I started using the no7 foundation beautifully matte which I fell in love with but it has also started going the same way as other foundations although yesterday I did find that if I didn't apply powder then it didn't look as bad.
So that's the issues I'm facing currently so if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can do or what makeup I can use to stop this from happening please let me know :-)


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