Hi guys, this blog is primarily a beauty blog, hope you all enjoy it!
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Saturday 27 September 2014

Liz earle cleanse and polish

Hi guys!
So I've been raving about this product on twitter and it was in my September favourites post so I thought I would do a proper review of it. 
As you may know I was using the sanctuary spa hot cloth cleanser for a few months until it ran out and I had heard some really good things about the liz earle cleanse and polish so I thought I would give it a try and I am so glad that I did!
The bottle is actually quite pretty, it is a gorgeous green colour and has a pump, which I love as it just feels more hygienic to me. The product itself is white and quite creamy, it's not as thick as the hot cloth cleanser was but one pump is enough for my whole face and my eyes.  I do actually find that I can use this to remove my eye makeup without it stinging my eyes which is amazing as I couldn't do that with the hot cloth cleanser.
The product has a slightly minty smell (well I think it does anyway) which is weird to me but I quite like if I'm honest.
At first look I thought the cloth was quite scratchy and I wasn't really looking forward to using it, but once I dampened the cloth it became so much softer. I genuinely love the feel of the cloth on my face now, it's soft enough that my skin likes it but not too soft that it's not exfoliating my skin slightly..

The cleanse and polish removes all of my makeup and leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth for ages afterwards. I love the feel of it when I massage it into my skin, and I love the feel afterwards.

This product is a little bit more expensive than the sanctuary spa hot cloth cleanser but in my opinion it is worth it!

Have you tried this product?


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