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Tuesday 23 September 2014

Relaxing bath

Hi guys!
I have been going through a very stressful time lately with the potential break up of my marriage, job interviews and threats on my life, so I have been finding myself having a nice relaxing bath more often than I normally would.
I am usually a shower girl, I don't like the thought of lying in water for too long as it makes me feel dirty and of course I can't wash my hair in a bath (I can't rinse it properly for some reason) but I think when you are really stressed out, a nice bath is the best thing for it.

I usually love products from lush but I didn't have any as I'm not used to having baths but I did have a few bottles of radox.  I used a different one each type but my favourite was the purple one which I think is meant to relax you. I love my baths very bubbly and I love the water to come up over my body, so I feel like I am floating. With the radox we also got some rubber ducks that light up when they come into contact with water and I am a big kid really so I put them in my bath too.
I don't have a bath pillow so I used a rolled up pillow behind my head so I could lie down without getting my hair wet :-)
As well as having bubble bath and rubber ducks, I love to have candles lit in the bathroom so I brought the thai lychee candle from the bedroom into the bathroom.
I don't drink wine so I had a nice cold drink of archers and lemonade in a glass that has the ice thing around it to keep it cold. And I brought my kindle and my portable dvd player into the bathroom with me so that I could watch some Disney films, a perfect way to help me to relax.

When I get out of the bath I wrap up in a big fluffy pink dressing gown and my fluffy slippers.

This actually relaxed me a lot more than I expected it to.
What is your bath time routine to relax?


1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks lovely! Things are getting better but still not 100% although hubby has just bought me some presents from Harvey nichols to try and apologise to me.

    I do love bubble baths :-) I think I may need to get some things from lush just in case my need for baths continues
